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Content is the main pillar of our marketing strategy. Our strategy is to go deeper and create better content as we grow. We don't rely on AI. We don't take content in exchange for links. We don't have arbitrary volume goals.

Who is our audience?

  • Founders: Technical and non-technical founders seeking advice on how to run a successful startup. We share what we've learned and curate the best startup advice in our founders hub.

  • Product engineers: Software engineers who want to improve their product skills, understand users, and build successful new products. We share what we've learned and curate useful advice in the product engineers hub.

  • PostHog users: Existing PostHog users how want to develop their skills and learn how to get the most out of PostHog.

  • B2B SaaS companies: Our ideal customers are B2B SaaS companies who need reliable user data and simplified data stack. Most of our output is tailored toward B2B uses cases.

What kind of content do we produce?

  1. Opinionated advice – Articles where we offer a strong point of view on a topic that impacts our audience. Examples include The Product-Market Fit Game, Burning money on paid ads for a dev tool, and How to design your company for speed
  1. High intent SEO comparisons – Articles for people actively considering PostHog, or searching for a product like ours. Examples include comparisons between PostHog and competing products, guides on the best alternatives to popular tools, and guides to most popular tools in our segments.

  2. Helpful evergreen guides: Articles on topics of interest to our users and potential users. They generally target popular search terms. Examples include How to measure product-market fit, The AARRR pirate funnel explained, and 8 annoying A/B testing mistakes every engineer should know.

  3. Engineering tutorials: – Guides on how to do specific things in PostHog. These can be for existing PostHog users, or aimed at potential users who are trying to solve a specific problem. Some, like How to set up Python A/B testing are SEO focused. Others, like How to show a survey after a delay, focus on specific PostHog user pain points.

  4. Newsletters: – Our newsletter, Product for Engineers, is both a distribution channel and its own content category. Issues often curate or summarize our existing content, or that of others, into an easy to digest, snackable format.

Good to knows

  • The marketing team is responsible for all the above – mostly Andy, Ian, and Lior, but James Hawkins, Joe and Charles also contribute. The Website & Docs team owns our reference documentation.

  • You can view planned content on the Marketing project board using the "content" label filter. All planned content should have an issue.

  • Join our #content-ideas Slack channel to share ad-hoc ideas.

Useful resources:


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We regularly send three emails. Changelog, a product announcement email sent every month. Sent via Product for Engineers , a marketing and content email published every two weeks. Sent via Substack. PostHog for Startups, an email to users of our startup program. Sent monthly, via In addition, marketing also owns the onboarding email flow, which is controlled by Changelog Owner: Joe The changelog email is part of the new release process and is used for…

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